Head of State : President Sellapan Rama (S. R.) NATHAN (since 1 September 1999) Head of Government : Prime Minister LEE Hsien Loong (since 12 August 2004)
Capital : Singapore
Land area : 692.7 sq km
Population : 4,425,720
Language(s) :Mandarin 35%, English 23%, Malay 14.1%, Hokkien 11.4%, Cantonese 5.7%, Teochew 4.9%, Tamil 3.2%, other Chinese dialects 1.8%, other 0.9%
Type of Government : parliamentary republic
Religion : Buddhist 42.5%, Muslim 14.9%, Taoist 8.5%, Hindu 4%, Catholic 4.8%, other Christian 9.8%, other 0.7%, none 14.8% (2000 census)
Natural Resource : fish, deepwater ports
GDP : 8.1%
Major import : machinery and equipment, mineral fuels, chemicals, foodstuffs
Major export : machinery and equipment (including electronics), consumer goods, chemicals, mineral fuels
Trade partners:
Import partners : Malaysia 15.3%, US 12.7%, Japan 11.7%, China 9.9%, Taiwan 5.7%, South Korea 4.3%, Thailand 4.1% (2004)
Export Partners : Malaysia 15.2%, US 13%, Hong Kong 9.8%, China 8.6%, Japan 6.4%, Taiwan 4.6%, Thailand 4.3%, South Korea 4.1% (2004)
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